> [!important] <h2 style="margin: 0; transform: translateX(25%);">What Is This?</h2>
> <b>DevMD</b> is meant serve as a <b>resource</b> for <b>developers</b>, <b>programming enthusiasts</b>, and even just your <b>average Obsidian user</b> looking to <b>enhance their workflow</b>. My motivation for creating this free resource is derived mainly from three things...
> 1. <u><span style="font-weight: bolder;">Obsidian API Documentation Lacks Context</span></u>
> The documentation for <b>Obsidian</b> is awful in my opinion (and many others). It has contributed to many <b>roadblocks</b> along my path to clarity regarding the API. There's even multiple areas that are undocumented. This vault aims to <b>remove the ambiguity</b> and <b>frustration</b> of the current <b>Obsidian API documentation</b>.
> 2. <u><span style="font-weight: bolder;">Programming & Development is a Genuine Passion</span></u>
> Development has been a serious hobby of mine for the past year - I never get tired of it. Being able to deploy newly learned concepts while building upon my own <b>productivity</b> system within <b>Obsidian</b> has made everything that much better.
> 3. <u><span style="font-weight: bolder;">Obsidian is an Incredible Application</span></u>
> The immense workflow I've been able to build within <b>Obsidian</b> causes me to feel obligated to give back. My main goal is to point out those <b>hidden paths</b>, which took me <b>ages</b> to discover, so you can uncover the <b>true potential</b> of an application such as <b>Obsidian</b>.
## Overview
> [!warning] <b>🚧 CONSTRUCTION ZONE 🚧</b>
> This vault is new and under construction. Additional information and context will continue be added on a daily basis.
### Concepts This Vault Covers
#### [[Plugin Setup & Usage|Initializing and Building your plugin]]
Learn how to <b>install</b>, <b>dynamically build</b>, and <b>use</b> your plugin.
#### [[Getting Started - Custom Views|Creating Your Own Obsidian View]]
This section aims to show you how to extend the <b>Obsidian</b> <code>ItemView </code> class which allows you to build and persist your own view.
For an idea on what <i>view</i> refers to, reference how the <a href="https://github.com/marcusolsson/obsidian-projects">Projects</a> plugin built their own <i>interface</i> (view) to manage projects.
#### [[Getting Started - Todoist API|Integration of the Todoist API for Task Management]]
Take what you've learned from the <a data-href="Getting Started - Custom Views" href="Getting Started - Custom Views" class="internal-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Custom Views</a> section and apply it with the <b>Todoist API</b> for task management.
#### [[Getting Started - DataviewJS|Advanced Dataview Concepts]]
Learn advanced <b>Dataview</b> concepts involving <b>custom rendering and DOM manipulation</b>.
#### [[Obsidian API Introduction|Filling in the Blanks of Obsidian API Documentation]]
<li>Coming soon</li>
Many, Many more being added soon...
[[Contact|Contact DevMD]]